Interface NlsFormatter<V>

    • Method Detail

      • format

        default String format​(V object,
                              Locale locale,
                              NlsArguments arguments)
        This method formats the given object according to the given locale.
        object - is the object to format.
        locale - is the locale used for localized formatting.
        arguments - is the Map of arguments.
        the formatted and localized string for the given object.
      • format

        void format​(V object,
                    Locale locale,
                    NlsArguments arguments,
                    Appendable buffer)
        This method formats the given object according to the given locale.
        object - is the object to format.
        locale - is the locale used for localized formatting.
        arguments - is the Map of arguments.
        buffer - is where to append the formatted object.
        RuntimeIoException - if the given Appendable caused an IOException.