Module | Description |
io.github.mmm.base |
Provides fundamental APIs and helper classes.
io.github.mmm.bean |
Provides advanced Java beans based on
mmm-property . |
io.github.mmm.binary |
Provides fundamental APIs and helper classes.
io.github.mmm.cli |
Provides the API and implementation to parse the arguments of a
main method from a command-line-interface
(CLI). |
io.github.mmm.crypto |
Provides fundamental APIs and helper classes.
io.github.mmm.crypto.bc |
Provides fundamental APIs and helper classes.
io.github.mmm.entity |
Provides the API for (persistent) entities.
io.github.mmm.entity.bean |
Provides entity-beans based on
mmm-bean and mmm-entity . |
io.github.mmm.event |
Provides generic, reusable infrastructure to define, send and receive events.
io.github.mmm.marshall |
Provides the API for mashalling and unmarshalling data to structured formats.
io.github.mmm.marshall.json |
Provides an implementation of
mmm-marshall for JSON without any 3rd-party lib. |
io.github.mmm.marshall.jsonp |
Provides an implementation of
mmm-marshall for JSON using JSON-P. |
io.github.mmm.marshall.stax |
Provides an implementation of
mmm-marshall for XML based on StAX. |
io.github.mmm.marshall.tvm.xml |
Provides an implementation of
mmm-marshall for XML based on StAX. |
io.github.mmm.nls |
Provides advanced native language support.
io.github.mmm.nls.cli |
Provides a powerful extension for
mmm-cli that integrates with mmm-nls . |
io.github.mmm.nls.sync |
Provides a command-line-interface to synchronize resource bundles for localization.
| |
Provides advanced properties with support for change-listeners, bindings, validation, and marshalling.
| |
Provides advanced properties with support for change-listeners, bindings, validation, and marshalling.
io.github.mmm.scanner |
Provides scanners that help to parse character sequences efficient and easily.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.binding |
Provides the API for binding of UI with properties and beans.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.breadcrumb |
Provides the API for the breadcrumb widget.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.chart |
Provides the API for chart widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.controller |
Provides the API for dialog controllers and routing.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.core |
Provides the API for the universal user-interface framework.
| |
Provides the API for data widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.form |
Provides the API for form widgets (input form layout).
io.github.mmm.ui.api.format |
Provides the API for format widgets (for formatted text such as HTML or source-code).
| |
Provides the API for binding of UI with properties and beans.
| |
Provides the API for menu widgets (menu-bar, navigation-bar, breadcrumb, etc.).
io.github.mmm.ui.api.number |
Provides the API for binding of UI with properties and beans.
| |
Provides the API for tab widgets.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.temporal |
Provides the API for binding of UI with properties and beans.
io.github.mmm.ui.api.window |
Provides the API for binding of UI with properties and beans.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.chart |
Provides the implementation of UI media widgets based on JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.core |
Provides the implementation of the UI framework based on JavaFx.
| |
Provides the implementation of data widgets for JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.form |
Provides the implementation of UI form widgets for JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.form.grid |
Provides the implementation of UI form widgets for JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.icon |
Provides the implementation of UI media widgets based on JavaFx.
| |
Provides the implementation of UI media widgets based on JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.fx.window |
Provides the implementation of the UI framework based on JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.spi.controller |
Provides SPI for controller management and navigation.
io.github.mmm.ui.spi.core |
Provides the service provider interface (SPI) for UI framework to share base classes between different UI
io.github.mmm.ui.test.chart |
Provides the implementation of UI chart widgets for testing.
io.github.mmm.ui.test.core |
Provides the implementation of the UI core for testing.
| |
Provides the implementation of data widgets for testing.
io.github.mmm.ui.test.form |
Provides the implementation of UI form widgets for testing.
io.github.mmm.ui.test.window |
Provides the implementation of the UI framework based on JavaFx.
io.github.mmm.ui.tvm.core |
Provides the implementation of the UI framework based on TeaVM.
io.github.mmm.validation |
Provides validation API and infrastructure.
io.github.mmm.validation.main |
Provides standard validators with NLS and typed builders.
io.github.mmm.value |
Provides a minimalistic but powerful API for value containers.
io.github.mmm.value.observable |
Provides observable value API and implementation for standard Java types.