Class ObjectNotFoundException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectNotFoundException

        public ObjectNotFoundException​(Object object)
        The constructor.
        object - is a description (e.g. the classname) of the object that was required but could not be found.
      • ObjectNotFoundException

        public ObjectNotFoundException​(Object object,
                                       Object key)
        The constructor.
        object - is a description (e.g. the classname) of the object that was required but could not be found.
        key - is the key to the required object.
      • ObjectNotFoundException

        public ObjectNotFoundException​(Object object,
                                       Object key,
                                       Throwable cause)
        The constructor.
        object - is a description (e.g. the classname) of the object that was required but could NOT be found.
        key - is the key to the required object.
        cause - is the cause of this exception.
      • ObjectNotFoundException

        protected ObjectNotFoundException​(Localizable message,
                                          Throwable cause)
        The constructor.
        message - the NLS message.
        cause - is the cause of this exception. May be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public String getCode()
        Description copied from class: ApplicationException
        This method gets the code that identifies the detailed type of this object. While UUID is unique per instance of a ApplicationException this code is a short and readable identifier representing the ApplicationException Class. The default implementation returns the simple name. However, the code should remain stable after refactoring (so at least after the rename the previous code should be returned as String literal). This code may be used as a compact identifier to reference the related problem or information as well as for automatic tests of error situations that should remain stable even if the message text gets improved or the locale is unknown.
        getCode in class ApplicationException
        the error code.