Class FxText

    • Constructor Detail

      • FxText

        public FxText()
        The constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getText

        public String getText()
        Specified by:
        getText in interface AttributeWriteText
        the label or text of this widget. Will be the empty string if no text has been set. If used as label the text is permanently displayed as information for the user to describe its meaning (lettering for button or label). Otherwise for textual inputs the text is the plain value as text entered by the end-user. If the value type is not String (e.g. for UiComboBox) this gives direct access to the plain text entered by the end-user (even in case it is not a valid option). This can be useful in a combo-box in case value is undefined to accept the text as a new option (e.g. for a tag).