Module io.github.mmm.crypto
Package io.github.mmm.crypto
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractCryptoFactory Abstract interface for any factory of this security library.AbstractGetIterationCount Interface toget
theiteration count
.CryptoBinaryFormat Interface for the concept and constants of different formats of abinary representation
.CryptoChunker This is the interface for a security algorithm function thatcombines chunks of data
to a compact result.CryptoProcessor The abstract interface for any object that is based on a securityalgorithm
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Class Summary Class Description CryptoAccess Implementations (non-abstract sub-classes) ofCryptoAccess
represent the main entry point for the API provided by this security library.CryptoBinary BinaryType
for security content such asHash
, encrypted data, serializedKey
s, etc.CryptoConfig Abstract base class for a configuration of a security creator or processor (for hashes, signatures, keys, encryption, decryption, etc.).UnlimitedKeyStrengthJurisdictionPolicy